Closing The Generation Gap

WITH the advent of technological advancement, the generation gap is getting wider.
Youths today, unlike before are exposed to many influences especially from the media.
According to Tapiwa Zuze, during a presentation on Generation Gap at the Kabod Youth Conference, during the Tiyambuke Christian Conference Convention, 2014, he defined Generation Gap as a set of different ideals between different sets of people.
"Even though the current generation has been able to create new technologies they have failed to love one another. Even a one year age difference can create a big difference. We have lost humanity," he said. 
However, he added that today's generation posseses more advantages over their predecessors, which include:
1. Diverse opportunities
2. Access to various technology advancement
3. Professionalism
4. Luxury to host events and services
5. Protection through various constitutional rights
6. Security advancement
But in order to attain Mega Souls, which is the convention's theme, he emphasized the need to observe the following:
Closing The Generation Gap
 1. Gratitude (James 1: 17)
"We need to offer thanks every time no matter the circumstances, even things are tough or good; just give thanks. This cuts across every generation," said Mr. Zuze.
2. Humanity
"This a key requirement across each generation. Unfortunately, people have taken upon themselves to defend such actions as homosexuality, drug abuse, partying and pornography as it is enshrined in some constitutions."
3. Respect of parents and elders
"Youths ought to respects their parents. This is an obligation. Despite generation gaps, this point still stands. You cannot correct your parents."
4. Faith (Hebrews 11: 1)
"Without faith it is impossible to please God."
5. True love and friendship
"We have lost true love and have become self-centered."
6. Submission (II Kings 2: 12)
"Always submit to authority. Never try upward correction. Respect those above you."  
Tapiwa Zuze was presenting during the second day of the Tiyambuke International Christian Conference at Bethel Worship Centre. The conference commenced with the colourful Praise and Worship parading their matching regalia accompanied by melodious voices, punctured by energetic dancing.     
Bishop Pride Sibiya Online
Glory Ministries is an international movement which was founded in 2001 by Apostle P. Sibiya, in Chitungwiza, Zengeza, the greater part of Harare, Zimbabwe. It is a global ministry with the vision of taking God's glory to the nations of the world. Bishop Pride Sibiya
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